Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Internet Issues

As you probably know already, the internet here just bites. It's hit and miss. I have several draft posts from the past few days that need to go up, but I just can't get the pictures to upload. Rest assured that I am still taking a photo a day. Some days I can get online and some days I just can't. I seem to have more and more trouble lately. It doesn't help that the weather is getting worse now that we're entering snow season. You see, our internet service is satellite. Bad weather = Bad connection. They also shut down the internet when something bad happens. They can't have everyone blabbing to the world that a something really bad has happened before they can notify the Soldier's family. It'd be horrible to find out on the news or internet that your loved one passed away. It's just another security measure we take here. Oh, and before I forget... I wanted to say that I do my best to answer all of the comments that are left on my blog or sent to my email. Sometimes I really really want to send a thank-you, but there just isn't any way for me to contact you if you haven't left your information for me to return the conversation. I get paranoid when someone leaves a sweet note, and I can't return the kindness that they'll think I'm ignoring them. I suppose I should be more worried about combat things, huh? I have to talk myself out of being ridiculous. It's not working though. I'm still paranoid! So, "THANK YOU!" to all of you who leave comments, and even to those of you who just read or look at pictures without saying a thing. Thank you for listening to me and supporting me. There have been a few down times that I've gone through openly here on my blog that you blogging buddies have helped me to handle perhaps without even knowing. I hope you know who you are. You're a blessing in my life, and I am forever thankful.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Laura!! I hope you are blessed with all that you could hope for in this new year. Take care of yourself - you're in my prayers. When I can stop being lazy you'll like me even more, in a couple of weeks... ;) Not sure how slow the mail is.... Anyway, it's already the 1st there for you, so happy New Year!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!!
Laura you are the blessing in so may ways, to may many people.

Dad & Jan

jayne said...

Happy New Year Laura
Glad to see ya here again, Now if we don't see anything for a few days we won't worry as much. Thanks again for the card, my friend and I are busy working on cards, Hey everybody who reads Laura's blog----let's all make cards to send her so the troops over there can have something to send home! wouldn't that be a great project for the new year, I am wowrking on cards, a friend of mine is working on cards and I have lots of RAKs I have received that were too pretty to use but if someone else will get a pleasure out of them also, I am willing to let them go to good use for our troops over there. Laura said the store there has very little, so how about it folks?? Would be a good church or school project too.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel what the Iraqi mothers feel when their children and family die.

Go to hell baby killer

Anonymous said...

Of course I don't have an individual grudge with you but with the your army.

Your plane bombing killed my daughter and crippled my elder girl.

Some day when you become mother, I hope you'll never feel what I feel

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I just found your blog and read the last 2 comments...You need to ignore those...let them roll away in to the wilderness where they belong.

For someone to take their pain out on you is unfair and unkind and unconscionable (sp?).

Let God be your peace and please, ignore the pain that others throw your way.

I am leaving this anonymously so you can know that I am sure I speak for others as well.

Remember...let God be your source of peace and not the words of others...

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Laura! I think of you often, even if I don't get a chance to stop by your blog (I'm busy teaching school and don't get to blog surf as much as I would like). Wow, not quite sure why people leave hateful, anonymous comments. Glad you are leaving your comments on so those of us who follow your adventures and art can see what you're going through. Take care, Kathy

jayne said...

Hey Laura
the 2 posts after mine, you just have to feel sorry for those kind of people. The only way they can express themselves is by being "anonymous" that is how these kind of people operate. But to heck with them! We still care about you and the other guys over there, without all of you, those "anonymous" people wouldn't be allowed to write what they do.

your friend

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
I am praying for you and don't pay any attention to the mean and hateful letters that you might recieve because they are sick and it is really pic-ca-yune]trivial or petty, also asinine!!!!
As I said the other day keep your chin up Laura Dear and never mind what comes out of peoples mouths.
You are doing a great job just by being there for your Country and for everybody else.

Kathy W said...

Hey Laura! Stopping in to say Happy Valentine's Day. Mine is very quiet; hoping to find some free time to slip into the craft room and create. Hope all is well with you. Hugs, Kathy