Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eight Months

At eight months he...

...sits himself up.
...pulls himself to standing.
...wears size 3 diapers.
...wears size 6-9 month clothing.
...still has no teeth.
...raises one eyebrow when I do something weird.
...likes to feed himself.
...loves bath time.
...still uses a pacifier to sleep.
...loves going for a walk around the neighborhood.
...bangs all his toys together.
...kicks and rolls around when I change his diaper.
Okay, I tried so hard to take some nice pictures of Ethan this month, but nearly all of the pictures are either blurry or of him crawling out of the frame. I did my best. Here we go...


mamahasspoken said...

I am so happy that you are enjoying every moment of him. Time passes way to quickly with little ones, enjoy it.

Arlene said...

Amazing how fast they...he is super super cute! He is also a smart 8 mth old..he is doing a lot. :) I miss those days...enjoy!


Jenn Christman said...

Eight months already wow! He is just the cutest little guy!!

Nicole Martel said...

Oh my he's adorable!!